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Library Trustee Minutes 05/24/07

Trustee Meeting-Working Meeting (extra session)
May 24, 2007 AMENDED- JUNE 5, 2007

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Janice King (Co-chair), Connie Kirwin, Sheila Proctor (Secretary), Margaret Warner (Co-chair).


·       Summer student position- Trustees voted unanimously $8.50 per hour for a maximum of 100 hours for the position. The hours will be scheduled to accommodate the needs of the Library. Student will work under the supervision of Melissa.

·       Substitute pay- Trustees voted unanimously $9.00 per hour for that position.

·       Décor for Library- Colors for the walls in children’s section ( Constellation AF-540) and trim throughout ( Subtle AF-310) and paint for the rest of the building (Mascarpone AF-20) were chosen. Carpet for children’s section (Agenda) was chosen.

·       Personnel changes- Trustees voted unanimously: No Smoking on Library campus will be added to Personnel Policy. Doctor’s note required if absent before a holiday or after 3 days’ absence. Director will call Trustee Chair when ill and coordinate with Town Hall business office. Relatives of Trustees may not be hired while the trustee sits on the board. Hiring of relatives of current employees is also prohibited.

·       Trustees will ask Kathy to move ahead on the completion of personnel paperwork for those interested in substitute positions.

·       Re: ILL- Trustees are requesting Kathy to provide training for the staff on ILL.

·       Kathy will retrain employees and herself on use of the cash register. She will run a weekly readout on cash register to reconcile balance.

 Next meeting: Monday, June 11, 2007.
                                                                      Respectfully submitted,
                                                                    Sheila Proctor-Secretary